overview of campus on a early morning

2025 Kansas Econometrics Workshop, April 26, 2025

April 26th, 2025

We are happy to announce that 2025 Kansas Econometrics Workshop, organized by Department of Economics, University of Kansas, will be held on April 26 (Saturday), 2025 at University of Kansas (about 40 miles to the west of Kansas City, Kansas). This workshop consists of a series of yearly workshops focusing on recent developments of econometrics theories and methodologies as well as applications in economics and finance and other applied fields such as data sciences. The main purpose of the econometrics workshop series at KU is to promote methodological and theoretical research as well as applications in modern econometrics and statistics as well as data science, and to provide a forum for researchers, including Ph.D. students, to come together to interact through social discussions and presentations. You are very welcome to participate this conference and visit the KU campus.

Any inquiries should be directed to the organizer Dr. Zongwu Cai at Email: caiz@ku.edu.